Guidelines For Pull-Up Banner Set-Up
MID RANGE PULL UP BANNER – 800mm x 2000mm
We assume that you have proofed the files you send us and are ready for printing. This means you have checked the document for all spelling and grammatical errors, colour issues, layout, and design BEFORE sending us your artwork.
With this in mind, you will not need to receive any further proofs from us. However, we will do our best to ensure the files you send us are set up correctly.
File types
We require all artwork to be supplied as high-resolution PDF files at the correct size for the banner you are buying.
Dimensions – Mid-range
The visible panel is 800mm wide and 2,000mm high.
Artwork size should be 800 x 2,200mm high (treating the bottom 200mm as bleed*)
*The bottom 200m of the banner material stays within the Roller Banner mechanism at the bottom of the banner and won’t be visible. Please also leave 30mm clear of logos and content at the top for the header bar.
Please do not supply anything lower than 150 dpi.
PDF files
File type – files should be supplied as high resolution (high quality) 300dpi PDFs and include crop marks and 10mm bleed.
Images – all images used during artwork preparation should be 300dpi at the Finished Print Size to ensure good quality print.
Fonts – All fonts should be embedded (select embed fonts in distiller options) or converted to curves.
Colour palette – please supply as a CMYK PDF, not RGB. Ensuring that all images used are also converted to CMYK is essential. Using RGB PDFs can cause incorrect colours to be printed or faults with RGB images.
Bleed – 10mm bleed for the top, left and tight. With roller banners, it is important to consider the 200mm area that will stay in the stand at the bottom of the panel. This area should also be treated as bleed.
Spot colours – all spot colours need to be converted to CMYK before creating the PDF. If the PDF is set up with spot colours, these will be converted before printing and may cause incorrect colour reproduction.
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